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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A bouquet from my garden

Today I picked some flowers from my garden to make an arrangement for my office...when work keeps me indoors at the computer, I have to bring a "flavor" of my garden inside to keep me company! I want to share the variety and abundance of my April garden with with you!
This bouquet contains 5 kinds of roses (Polka, Iceberg, Sally Holmes, Koriokole, Pilgrim), two shades of Dutch iris, Nepeta (cat mint), old fashioned columbine, and tiny daisy-like erigeron; my workshop with my "signature" climbing rose, Westerland, is in the background.

Another view of the same bouquet.

I love to look closely at the complexity of each rose...this one, Polka, has so many layers of petals, it resembles a peony. When I do floral photography in my garden I am so glad for my Macro lens, because through it I can share with others the intricate design and creativity within each flower.

Jeff thinks this swirl-like pattern in the center of the rose resembles the combinations of color and striations we see in some natural stone formations; I just love the swirl for what it is....a gift of beauty hidden inside one of my roses!
Thanks for taking a moment to enjoy my flowers with me...now I need to get the timeline done for a June wedding!

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